joi, 23 februarie 2012

czech/romanian exhibition
/installation, painting and drawing /
at the Romanian Cultural Institute
(Anglická 26, 120 00, Praha 2 )
on Thursday, 15 March 2012, 6 pm

Daniela Halova(CZ)
Delia Orman(RO)
Iulia Morcov(RO)


Each external stimulus leaves a permanent or temporary trace in the subconscious.. In the current avalanche of stimuli that tend to stifle the individual's ability to discern the information received (vital capacity of a natural evolution), we believe that is even more stringent re-connecting to the world, to the things necessary for a natural-human development. We speak therefore of an ontological approach of updating the experiences deposited in the layers of our subconscious. Therefore, we are trying to make visible an imagined space - our own subconscious, in which have been hidden / archived / stored sensations-people-stories that have left an important or insignificant mark.

Starting from a clear representation, unencrypted, we will slowly enter in an unlit room, where things will be revealed in a more subtle way, where the concrete will dissolve into small strips equally abstract, floating and develops in a newborn world, only now discovered ...

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